How Car Accident Injuries Cause Emotional Distress
A self-assessment after car accident injuries may be helpful. Yet, it is not the same as a chiropractor evaluating your body. You may...

Why Choose Chiropractic Care for Car Accident Injuries?
Medical attention for any type of injury is needed after a collision. Minor car accident injuries can cause the body pain and suffering....

How Do Trigger Points form after a Car Accident / Whiplash?
Trigger points can affect your entire body. They are often developed when the muscle in your body experiences some type of trauma such as...

Stop Knee Pain After A Car Accident
A knee injury can happen for a number of reasons when there is direct impact from an object. When a car accident occurs, the knee is can...
Things You Didn’t Know About Car Accident Injuries
Nearly a million people are victims of car accident injuries each year. Many of the injuries are sustained from the impact when they are...

What to Do About Shoulder Injuries After a Car Accident
Shoulder injuries are common after car accidents. Even if the person is wearing a seatbelt, a shoulder injury can still happen. This...

Treat Car Accident Injuries the Right Way
It doesn't matter what kind of car accident a person has been involved in. The common injuries are often the same, depending on where the...

Car Accident Injury and Treatment
What if your back pain is from the car accident that you were involved in? Like whiplash , the pains in the back and neck experienced...
The Facts about Car Accident Injuries in Dover Delaware
Car accidents Facts: 1. 50 percent of chronic neck pain in the United States is due to car accidents. Most of these accidents are rear...
Car Accident? Follow these steps ...
Remain calm Stick to the facts and don't admit guilt. Safety First - Call 9-1-1 for ambulance and police. - Provide first aid if needed,...