Prevent These Work Injuries with Chiropractic

Workplace injuries happen all the time. Each industry requires mobility for effective work on the job. The most common types of work injuries are sprains, tears and strains. Musculoskeletal disorders, along with soreness and pain are the most frequent types of work injuries. The type of work and the work environment play a key role as to why certain work injuries occur. Many jobs require workers to climb ladders, use hand tools and operate heavy machinery. Even when not doing those duties, workers are still at risk for work injuries because of floors, walkways and ground surfaces. All of these can lead to work injuries.
Activities at work that require repetitive motion can cause numbness in the hands. They can cause pain in the hands as well. Employees who work in beauty salons, typists and others face this type of problem. It happens when there is a lot of pressure on the median nerve in the wrist. This nerve is located in the upper limb and when compressed, carpal tunnel syndrome can occur. Ways to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome include taking a break at work, stretching your hands and wrists and doing exercises for your wrist and forearm. If you are a victim of carpal tunnel syndrome, laser therapy has proven to be an effective treatment.
Back Injury
Lifting a heavy object without the proper lifting technique can cause an injury quickly. Doing a job without having your muscles stretched or warmed up is a common way for your back to get injured at work. Warehouse workers and those who work on construction sites are prone to back injuries and other types of work injuries. A back injury can also happen if a worker reaches down to pick up an object off of the floor. Equipment at the workplace that is made to lift heavy objects should be used if it is available. Even asking someone to assist is a back-injury prevention method. In any job where the employees have to sit or stand, body posture is important. Also, having a proper back support is helpful as well as wearing shoes that are supportive for the work that is being done. Caution should be used at work to prevent these types of common work injuries.
Call Delaware Injury Care for a free consult. Delaware Injury Care provides laser therapy for pain, rehabilitation, gentle chiropractic care and more. If you have had a work injury or any other pain, call us today. We accept most insurances.
Locations include:
Dover Delaware 302-678-8866
Seaford Delaware 302-628-8008
Milford Delaware 302-424-0556
Wilmington Delaware 302-235-1111